Fairy Tales of Hospitality with Siete Leguas & Copper Blues Please join us for an exciting training with Sazerac ambassador Matt Ray and a complimentary sample flight of Siete Leguas Tequila Witches, Beasts, and…Hospitality?? Fairy Tales have been used for thousands of years to teach young and old alike about the right way to treat guests. In this seminar, we dive into the stories that celebrate hospitality and lay the foundations for guest/host relationship that we still honor. Too often, we get caught up in the business transactions that make up our industry. We forget that what we do has roots that stretch back through hundreds of stories since the dawn of time. This presentation is a light-hearted attempt to collect the greatest stories around hospitality and how each culture used them as guideposts for treating the stranger, the other, and the other-worldly. There will be fairies and witches and angels in disguise, so maybe we should make sure we treat everyone that walks through those doors with a little respect. But don’t worry-- there are plenty of examples of rude guests getting their just deserts! Stick around after this training for a happy hour with hosted light bites and your first cocktail free for seminar attendees! [hidden] More Info below.