Welcome to the CMCH Black History Month Concert at the Eldorado Ballroom! Get ready for an early evening filled with exciting music, powerful performances, and a celebration of Black history and culture. Join us in person at this iconic venue for an unforgettable early evening. Come together with the community to honor and enjoy the rich heritage of Black singers and musicians in a setting that is synonymous with Black Music History in Houston! The Scott Joplin Chambe Orchestra (SJCO) will be featured, and they love to perform the wide variety of music that is part of the Black Heritage - classical, religious, jazz, blues, R&B, etc. Don't be surprised if you are being carried away by the beautiful melodies in one piece and toe tapping and dancing in your seat for the next piece. Don't miss out on this free special event - mark your calendars now! This event is funded in part by the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance, the Texas Commission on the Arts, and the BiPoC Network and Fund. More Info below.