We thought we'd put together a graffiti t-shirt bar crawl early on in 2025 as a fun twist to our usual bar crawls! Everyone needs to wear a white t-shirt/top and we'll hand out sharpies with the goal of having everyone you meet sign/draw on it! Alex reminded me that we did this almost exactly 10 years ago and I remember it being a really fun time and a great memory! Open invite to anyone in the group between 25-30s as usual, come along by yourself (best way, and what most people do) or feel free to bring friends, housemates, partners etc, it'll be a great event to meet people especially if you're new to the city! I'd recommend getting an Uber or Lyft as everyone usually has some drinks. Hope people can make it, this will be one of the rarer/one-off events so don't miss out! More Info below.