DAVE RUPP coordinating local caller to the tunes of THE HAZEL NUTS: Ben Kennedy (piano), Roberta Goren (flute), Chris Carpenter (banjo, mandolin, clarinet), Dave Miller (fiddle) Role Term this week and every week: Larks and Robins Beginner lesson: 7:30 Dance time: 8 pm to 10:30 pm The evening will include a break that can be taken outside, and we usually have snacks at the break! Masks are optional tonight and every Thursday. Admission: Sliding Scale Admission: Pay what you wish. this is a local band, so suggested admission is: Local Bands: $10 - $15 - $20+ $10. - those who require discounted admission $15.+ - helps others come to the dance, keeps our bank account healthy and allows us to pay the performers closer to what they are worth. You may pay any amount within the scale (or more). Thanks for supporting our dance! Free admission for children 12 and under if they are able to follow our COVID precautions. Please carry in clean, soft soled shoes (not used outside) to avoid damage to the floor. COVID Safety: - Please read: Vaccinations are encouraged but not required to reduce the risks of COVID-19 transmission - Feeling Sick on any dance night? Stay home! Please show care for the community and we'll see you next time. Dances will be every week as long as cases remain low. Thank you for your honesty and concern for others in our community. Did someone say SNACKS? Dancers are encouraged to bring finger foods to share at the break. NO PEANUTS OR PEANUT BUTTER, Please! We will provide water and cups, but we encourage you to bring your own reusable container for water. HELP IS NEEDED FOR THIS DANCE TO HAPPEN! Volunteers are needed for set-up, and the check-in process (waivers/card checking) and clean-up. Contact Rich Myers at [hidden], if you would like to help. We are looking forward to dancing with you. Please write to [[hidden]]([hidden]) if you have any questions. The Board: Ian Brehm (vice president), Christian Clothier, Kirsten Erwin, Navonna Garrett, Oliver Lyons, Rich Myers (Treasurer), Dave Rupp (President) , Peter Schiano (Vice President), Adlai Waksman, Ella Williams, Jess Purvis (records czar) More Info below.