Learn how to make money, save money, and travel at next to no cost while networking with locals. We'll discuss credit cards, miles and points, deals, personal finance, and more. Buy drinks and food in the grocery area and bring them upstairs to the community center. Choose from Super Hong Kong Chef Chinese restaurant (Inside Giant), Hissho Sushi, made-to-order flatbreads, a salad bar, an alcohol area*, and more. The suggested donation to help cover meetup.com costs, room rental fees, and other expenses is $10 or more. Make a one-time donation with credit through the Pledge tool linked on the main page and/or opt in to monthly dues. Chat before and after meetups in our Facebook group: [hidden] The room assignment can change; see the sign at the entry to the community center. If the door to the upstairs area is locked, use the elevator. * Alcohol consumption is not permitted inside the community center. More Info below.