Cornbread Yoga Wellness Block Party @ Hops & Hounds

Cornbread Yoga Wellness Block Party @ Hops & Hounds
Jan 25

Cornbread Yoga Wellness Block Party @ Hops & Hounds

This event will celebrate our amazing 2 year long anniversary along with the health and wellness aspects needed in the community to move forward to heal and grow. We will have a showcase of local businesses and nonprofits in San Antonio such as therapists, consuelors, holistic practice, etc. We will have donation based yoga starting right at 11:15am. Doors open at 10am. Raffle at 12:30pm. We will have cornbread and some refreshments for free. We will have raffles for selected items when you register on Eventbrite. We will have small businesses that include food, jewelery, juice, baked goods, sustainable clothing, therapy, fitness needs , and many more ! This event is open and free to the public, you’re welcomed to donate to Cornbread Yoga , our local nonprofit to help us provide and support wellness in underrepresented communities around San Antonio. note RSVPing to this event means you have a signed a liability waiver for yoga session by cornbread yoga I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THESE ACTIVITIES WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE DANGER INVOLVED, AND AGREE TO ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, WHETHER THOSE RISKS ARE KNOWN OR UNKNOWN. More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: For FREE Adminssion: Rsvp/Get Tickets
where: Hops & Hounds, 1123 Avenue B, San Antonio, TX 78215 map
when: January 25 @ 10am - 1pm
price: Free



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