Comedy Madness ShowEach show has a rotating line up of 5 headlining comedians. The same show we've produced at the Comedy Store, Improv and Laugh Factory since 2009 now available to you in San Diego!• Must be 21 or over• Doors open at 7:30 pm with a 8:00 pm showtime, it is a 90 minutes show• No pictures or recording allowed in the showroomVisit @comedymadnessshow on Instagram for past show line ups, pictures and to DM us with questions.A bout Comedy MadnessComedy Madness is one of the largest stand up comedy promotions companies in the world, producing thousands of shows in North America since 2009, including showcases in Los Angeles at the Comedy Store, Laugh Factory and Ice House Comedy Club.Each show is 90 minutes and features a roster of comedians with appearances on Netflix, HBO, America's Got Talent, Comedy Central, much and more. From Carolines on Broadway to the Comedy Store on Sunset, all of your favorite comics have performed on the Comedy Madness Show. More Info below.