Sunday Worship Service

Sunday Worship Service
Jan 12

Sunday Worship Service

Our Sunday Service is open to the public. All are welcome. You can come alone or bring your family or friends. Our main worship service is 1 hour long. People are invited to an optional second hour of learning in smaller, more interactive settings. The most important part of our service is taking the sacrament, which is similar to communion in other Christian religions. During the sacrament, we remember Jesus Christ and recommit to follow Him as we take a small piece of bread and cup of water symbolizing the body and blood He sacrificed for us. What should I wear? You're more than welcome to wear normal clothes. If you're worried you will stand out, we try to wear nicer clothes than the ones we wear the rest of the week in order to reflect our reverence for God. The most common attire you’ll see at church is a dress shirt and tie for men and a skirt or dress for women. Will I have to participate? There is no requirement to particpate. When the bread and water of the sacrament are given to the congregation, you can simply pass the tray on to the next person, then sit back and enjoy the rest of the service. You won’t be asked for donations. Please join us this Sunday. More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: For FREE Adminssion: Rsvp/Get Tickets
where: Orange Church Location, 674 S. Yorba St, Orange, CA 92869 map
when: January 12 @ 11am - 12pm
price: Free



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