Organic Vegetables By Seed

Organic Vegetables by Seed
Jan 11

Organic Vegetables By Seed

There's a skill to knowing how to grow edibles by seed. Ready to start a new garden in the new year? NHG's Garden Advisor Brieux Turner can set you on a new path through the gardening year-- starting plants by seed. With an array of products, Brieux can lead you through what you'll really need to be successful in growing your own herbs and vegetables with just a few simple supplies. Have you only planted transplants? Broaden your garden knowledge by growing from seed. Starting indoors or outdoors? We'll help with which to select. Bored with the same old varieties? Seeds offer a huge variety from which to choose. Plus, you may feel the thrill of harvesting something that you've grown yourself from the very beginning. Learn how to maximize flavor and health by employing organic growing techniques from us with our upcoming class! FREE. BE PREPARED. Download our Vegetable Project List and Planting Dates handouts before the class so you'll be better prepared for our class: Vegetable Planting Dates Handout and our Vegetable Gardening Project List Handout. NOTE: THIS CLASS IS INDOORS IN OUR CLASSROOM. Note that this is typically a very popular class. We encourage you to arrive early. IF THIS EVENT HAS SOLD OUT, we welcome you to attend if we have not reached capacity within 5 minutes of the program starting, and if there is available space. More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: For FREE Adminssion: Rsvp/Get Tickets
where: North Haven Gardens, 7700 Northaven Road, Dallas, TX 75230 map
when: January 11 @ 1pm - 2:30pm
price: Free



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