*O ur events are ongoing and by invite-only. This is not your ticket. * Curated Single's Parties are happening in LA via SecretSinglesParty.com Get introduced to hand-selected matches in a private venue with a chaotic, unstructured after party. Like a mix between a singles party, speed dating, and a game night at a friends house! Check out our Instagram @ SpeedDateLA to see footage of past events Complete your application to be considered for membership by clicking {here}. Membership is a one-time fee; we do not cllect monthly dues. Members are invited to the events best suited for them. If you're not ready for membership, you can try out the event as an Explorer by clicking {here} to purchase a ticket. If you do not purchase a ticket, you will not be let into the event. *Our events are ongoing and by invite-only. This is not a ticket. * More Info below.