Join us at the Arizona Museum of Natural History for our FREE East Valley Village™ Gathering.When: January 8th from 10-11:30AMWhere: Arizona Museum of Natrual History 53 North McDonald Mesa Arizona 85201Come join our FREE Village™ gathering at the Where: Arizona Museum of Natrual History 53 North McDonald Mesa Arizona 85201 Come enjoy the museum with your littles before and after our Village™ gathering as a complimentary pass from our gracious partners at the Arizona Museum of Natural History. Just let them know you are there for the 4th Trimester of Arizona Village™ and they will let you in free of charge for our event. We will have a fellow mama present to help watch your littles in the same room as the Village™ gathering, to support you in connecting and engaging during the Village™. In order to prepare for the appropriate number of attendees, please register on Eventbrite to reserve your spot! More Info below.