Calling all family Caregivers! Enjoy a night out just for you. Take a mid-week break for some well deserved R&R amidst fellow caregivers who understand. Enjoy live music while sipping tasty wine (or beverage of choice) & delicious food. Share your caregiving tales of woe or not. Laugh at the similarities we all face & make new friends in the process. Discover new community resources & support. This is not your typical “support group”. Socialization, Fun & laughter is the goal. Reconnecting to the joy in life & breaking the isolation is what this event is all about. And if you’re having a tough time, welcome to the club & get a hug. In fact, having something fun to look forward to can actually help shift your whole perspective! 😎 We will be meeting wherever the music is (could be inside or out on the patio). Look for flowers on the table or tell the hostess you’re with the “caregiver meetup group”. Feel free to bring a friend or your spouse/partner. All are welcome. Everyone is responsible for their own food & drinks. Checks will be seperated. This event is hosted by Lisa Miller of “Awaken to Your Purpose Coaching”. (Personalized Support just for Family Caregivers) More Info below.