Experienced Beginner To Upper Intermediate Play!

Experienced Beginner to Upper Intermediate Play!
Dec 23

Experienced Beginner To Upper Intermediate Play!

Experienced Beginners to Upper Intermediates! Mondays 12noon-2pm NOTE: this is NOT a “learn to play” group. You are attending to play with similar skilled players - have fun! Courts will be separated by skill level. PLEASE play at your own level! 5 Courts (indoor pickleball courts in the FRONT BUBBLE) $10 Venmo (DISCOUNTED RATE! Limited time!) no sooner than the day of the session to: James-Sulzman-3 (be prepared to show the host upon arrival) (4 digits if needed 3028) RSVPS are FINAL at 10am-- No cancelling after 10am. RSVPs open 5 days in advance at 8pm Signing up for this session means you understand and AGREE to our “no-show” policy. If it’s unclear please contact Kim Dunne for clarification! 2 Hour “No Show” Policy: If your name is on the list to play (either from originally RSVPing OR from moving off waitlist) by 10am you are expected to attend. If you don’t show up, you will be charged. If you’re on the waitlist it’s YOUR JOB to monitor the list to see if your name moves onto the players list until 10am. As soon a you decide you can’t watch the list, PLEASE REMOVE YOUR NAME FROM THE WAITLIST. Otherwise you’re considered a “no-show” and should expect to pay for the session. NOTE: if you arrive early you cannot step on a court until 12noon. NO EXCEPTIONS! The club provides 2 Franklin balls per court. It’s not necessary to be a member of CHHRC in order play. Come directly to the bubble - no need to go into the club. *** Comments and questions can be directed to Kim Dunne via MeetUp Messaging or by email [hidden] More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: Email: [email protected] | Website
where: Cherry Hill Health & Racquet Club, 1820 Old Cuthbert Road, Cherry Hill, NJ map
when: December 23 @ 12pm - 2pm
price: $10



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