Sustainable Economic Reform (County Banking To Refinance City Development)

Sustainable economic reform (County Banking to Refinance City Development)
Sep 20

Sustainable Economic Reform (County Banking To Refinance City Development)

CHANGED: Janis invites interested members to start organizing at the next Houston Green Party meeting, on FEB 21. Meeting place TBA on Kipling. Call or text Janis Richards [hidden]. The venue we are considering may allow us to add a "movie night" (30 minutes for the meeting and 1 hours for a short movie). If you have other creative ideas, and suggestions for MOVIES, please post a reply and let us know your thoughts, Thank you! ==========================Janis Richards, state co-chair of the TX Green Party, is forming teams to set up a public BANKING system between the county and city. Objectives are to cap and refinance debts by managing development investments cost-effectively, instead of paying high interest to outside commercial profits at taxpayer expense. She is also interested in reforms and solutions to WORKER and WAGE issues. Please join in open discussion, networking and team strategies - call JANIS [hidden] to find out the next meeting schedule. (Currently, both the Houston Greens and the Harris County Greens host monthly meetings at different times and places.) NOTE: the nonprofit PPC for Cooperative Health Care is also meeting at KPFT with Egberto Willies host of "Politics Done Right" to set up video series on how nonprofit coops can help train and develop community bases for universal care (c/o Don McCormick [hidden] [hidden]). Plans are also pending with HPJC meetings in central and downtown locations (contact Jeff Reese [hidden]). If you are interested in community banking development, please contact JANIS RICHARDS [hidden] to join in collaborative outreach open to all, and bring your ideas and your friends! More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: Phone: 713.417.3033 | Website
where: Kipling Street, Kipling St, Houston, TX map
when: September 20 @ 6pm - 7:30pm
price: Free



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