Jane Addams Hull-House Museum Free Admission Friday

Jane Addams Hull-House Museum Free Admission Friday
Mar 14

Jane Addams Hull-House Museum Free Admission Friday

Free Admission Friday from 10:00am - 4:50pm at Jane Addams Hull-House Museum - see INFO below. Jane Addams wrote prolifically on topics related to Hull-House activities, producing eleven books and numerous articles as well as maintaining an active speaking schedule nationwide and throughout the world. She played an important role in many local and national organizations. A founder of the Chicago Federation of Settlements in 1894, she also helped to establish the National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers in 1911. She was a leader in the Consumers League and served as the first woman president of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections (later the National Conference of Social Work). She was chair of the Labor Committee of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, vice-president of the Campfire Girls, and a member of the executive boards of the National Playground Association and the National Child Labor Committee. In addition, she actively supported the campaign for woman suffrage and the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (1909) and the American Civil Liberties Union (1920). More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: Admission is free and open to the public Tuesdays and Fridays at 2 pm. The tours are capped at 25 visitors; please keep group sizes to 5 visitors or less. Tours last approximately 45 minutes - visitors should arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the tour. Reservations can be made up to 30 days in advance Phone: (312) 413-5353 | Email: [email protected] | Website
where: Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, 800 S Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60607, USA map
when: March 14 @ 11am - 5:50pm
price: Free
category: Arts & Culture



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