21c Museum Hotel Chicago Free Admission Tuesday

21C Museum Hotel Chicago Free Admission Tuesday
Mar 11

21c Museum Hotel Chicago Free Admission Tuesday

Free Admission Tuesday from 24 hours a day at 21C Museum Hotel Chicago - see INFO below. Like the stylized figures in Christian iconography, Pop starsiconsin American culture are subjected to a constant mediatization, becoming objects of veneration themselves, says R. Luke DuBois. (Pop) Icon: Britney is an art object that considers the shifting meaning of icon (in Greekimage), the original Greek word, which was used to signify an object of veneration, a staple of Eastern Orthodox and Catholic religious artWhen embroiled in scandal (as Britney so often has), the cognitive dissonance of their audience is analogous to our experience of fallen angels. Set within an elaborate gold frame, (Pop) Icon: Britney is a multi-sensory evocation of Orthodox iconography. Her image is stabilized and blurred, creating a constantly shifting halo or aura, around her face, reflecting back our gaze. Her voice is stripped from her songs (removing instrumental and techno-sounds for an a cappella mix) and filtered through the reverberation of the San Vitale Basilica in Ravenna, Italy, one of the most important sites of Byzantine iconography in Western Europe. DuBois selected Britney as the ultimate (Pop) Icon because she is just that: pure image, simulacra. More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: Admission is free and open to the public 24 hours a day, 365 days a year Phone: (312) 660-6100 | Email: [email protected] | Website
where: 21C Museum Hotel Chicago, 55 E Ontario St, Chicago, IL 60611, USA map
when: March 11 @ 1am - 1pm
price: Free
category: Arts & Culture



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