Rothko Chapel Free Admission Thursday

Rothko Chapel Free Admission Thursday
Mar 13

Rothko Chapel Free Admission Thursday

Free Admission Thursday from 10am to 6pm at Rothko Chapel - see INFO below. In 1964 Rothko was commissioned by John and Dominique de Menil (also founders of the nearby Menil Collection) to create a meditative space filled with his paintings. The works are site-specific, one of the requirements of the program. As Rothko was given creative license on the design of the structure, he clashed with the project's original architect, Philip Johnson over the plans for the chapel. The plans went through several revisions and architects. Rothko continued to work first with Howard Barnstone and then with Eugene Aubry, but ultimately he did not live to see the chapel's completion in 1971. After a long struggle with depression, Rothko died by suicide in his New York studio on February 25, 1970. From 1973 onward, the Rothko Chapel doubled as a center for colloquiums aimed at fostering mutual understanding on issues affecting justice and freedom throughout the world. The first colloquium drew scholars from Lebanon, Iran, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Japan, Italy, the United States and Canada. In 1981, it initiated The Rothko Chapel Awards to Commitment to Truth and Freedom." In 1986, a second award was established to honor and emulate the spirit of scar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, who was murdered on March 24, 1980. These Rothko Chapel Awards have recognized individuals and organizations who, at great risk, denounce violations of human rights. In 1991 the Rothko Chapel marked its 20th anniversary with a joint award with the Carter-Menil Human Rights Foundation, founded in 1986 with former President Jimmy Carter. Nelson Mandela was the keynote speaker and received the special Rothko Chapel award More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: Admission to Rothko Chapel is free. open Tuesday through Sunday from 10am to 6pm Phone: 713.524.9839 | Email: [email protected] | Website
where: Rothko Chapel, 3900 Yupon St, Houston, TX 77006, USA map
when: March 13 @ 11am - 7pm
price: Free
category: Arts & Culture



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