Holocaust Museum La Free Admission Sunday

Holocaust Museum LA Free Admission Sunday
Mar 30

Holocaust Museum La Free Admission Sunday

Free Admission Sunday at Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust. Wall displays throughout the Museum provide critical background to the history of the Holocaust. Images in The Rise of Nazism make up a pictorial timeline of the events from 1933 to 1938. Photographs and text along the wall of the Deportation Extermination and LaborConcentrationDeath Camps retell the fates of Jews in several countries. Elsewhere, such as in World ResponseResistanceRescue, highlight several of the rare but heroic efforts made by non-Jews to save Jewish lives. Several exhibits depict the victimization of Catholics, Roma, Jehovahs Witnesses, homosexuals, political dissenters, and others targeted by the Nazis. Three models detail specific aspects of Holocaust events. A model of the Hartheim Castle in Onset of WarGhettoizationExtermination shows where the Nazis collected handicapped and mentally ill people and performed grotesque medical experiments on them. As you pass from that room into the combined camp rooms, you will see a recreation of one of the train cars used to transport victims to the camps. A video monitor inside the car shows a scene of prisoners as they disembarked. In the combined room you will see a scale model of the Sobibor death camp. Created by Thomas Blatt, one of the few Sobibor survivors, you will be able to watch video of Mr. Blatt explaining how the camp operates and how he and other prisoners staged the uprising that ultimately saved his life. More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: Holocaust Museum LA is free all-day Sunday. Phone: 323-651-3704 | Email: [email protected] | Website
where: Holocaust Museum LA, 100 The Grove Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90036, USA map
when: March 30 @ 11am - 6pm
price: Free
category: Arts & Culture



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