Being a product of the 90s decade doesn't mean you were actually born in the 1990s, but were part of its pop culture. To find out if you are a true 90s kid, well-versed in fashions, trends, movies, TV and pop-culture, join us for 90s Pop Culture Trivia at Home Base Bistro on Tuesday May 16 at 7:30pm! RSVP at; [hidden] Must be 21+ to participate. $10 food/drink minimum per person. The best way to reserve tickets is by selecting a team captain and having them be in charge of tickets for ALL team members. For example, if Kurt, Eddie, Chris and Layne are a team and Eddie gets put in charge, he will then reserve tickets for himself, Kurt, Chris and Layne = (4) in total.PLEASE ONLY RESERVE SINGLE TICKETS IF YOU ARE PLAYING BY YOURSELF. We will send a confirmation email to everyone closer to the event. Don't forget to wear your Z. Cavariccis! More Info below.