Junebug: An improvised space western parody is an improv comedy show that follows the crew of an outlaw ship as they try to make a living on the outer rim of the galaxy. The show primarily draws inspiration from major sci-fi franchises like Cowboy Bebop, Star Wars, and of course, Firefly, but with some other good nerdy references thrown in there as well. The show is serial in nature, meaning what happens one week will influence what happens the next week - tune in for the full adventure or just drop in for one episode! Either way, it'll be a blast (off) (sorry) (not sorry).Doors: 6:30PMShow: 7PMRuntime: One hourBeer & cider available for purchase; BYO snacks. This is a pay-what-you-want show; you can contribute by purchasing a beverage or contributing online or at the door. More Info below.