DECEMBER 9-11 Friday /Saturday/ SundayDECEMBER 16-18 Friday/Saturday/SundayHOURS: Fridays 12-7 Saturdays 11-7 Sundays 12-6The Harvard Square Holiday Fair, one of the oldest and most popular fairs in Boston, celebrates its 36th season this year on two consecutive weekends, Dec 9-11 and Dec 16-18 at 33 Dunster St, Cambridge. The fair is juried and includes a changing mix of New England craftspeople and world traveling importers. There is always a great selection of original and affordable gifts. Talking to the craftspeople who make what they are selling gives shoppers a connection to the gifts they are buying that is just not possible at the mall, through a catalogue or online.It’s a high-energy alternative marketplace with a great soundtrack, where people see old friends and make new ones – a taste of the old Harvard Square.Fair hours: Fridays: 12-7, Saturdays: 11-7 and Sundays: 12-6. More Info below.