Drop-In Community Meditation, Nyinthun

Drop-In Community Meditation, Nyinthun
Mar 30

Drop-In Community Meditation, Nyinthun

Sunday Morning Meditation: Nyinthün will be held online and in-person from 9am-12noon. All are welcome to join the virtual practice through the Zoom URL: [hidden] Nyinthün is a weekly group practice of sitting and walking meditation held every Sunday morning. The practice begins and ends with a short set of traditional group chants and includes a dharma reading and a practice of compassion for those who have instruction in Tonglen.A meditation instructor is available to offer guidance upon request and short personal meetings to answer questions for both new and experienced meditators. When the new moon coincides, participants are led in the chanting of a vivid, powerful group practice called 'The Sadhana of Mahamudra' written by the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche (founder of the Shambhala tradition).The power of group meditation The group practice of Nyinthün is one of the most beneficial ways of deepening and extending our meditation. We are supported and carried by the group energy which creates a powerful atmosphere of practice. This energy inspires our own practice further than short daily sessions alone. By participating in weekly Nyinthün practice we can strengthen and deepen our personal meditation practice which in turn gives momentum to maintaining a regular sitting routine.Nyinthün participants can stay for the whole morning, or are free to arrive and leave at anytime. There is a suggested donation of $5 - $15, everyone is encouraged to practice generosity at the level that feels most appropriate. Your donations support programs such as this and promote a bright, caring, and brave environment. More Info below.

Sign up for FREE Info, Location & Contacts:

INFO: Website
where: Shambhala Boston, 646 Brookline Avenue, Brookline, MA 02446 map
when: March 30 @ 10am - 1pm
price: Free
category: Art



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